Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Test run with whistle

Well, it worked like a charm!

I just need to finish the installation, hides the cables etc..

Friday, June 12, 2020

Whistle servo installation

After testing the whistle under steam, I moved to concealing a servo to operate the whistle.

At first, my idea was to have the mini servo in the cabin, and link it to the whistle lever via some some sort of piano wire, However, it would have been difficult to install it, so I went instead to conceal the servo next to the boiler, underneath the whistle. That's what several folks on the Facebook Model steam boats Group suggested.

I also thought I would make a support using my 3D printer, and later on cover the support with wood.
I had built several supports using the Tower Pro SG90 for HO switching machine, so building it was a piece of cake.

Here is the 3D plan of the support

The 3D PLA support:

The support with the mini Servo: 

Installed in Alexandra:
For now, the servo cable is not hidden, as I want to test the whole thing first

This evening is a live test on the local pond. Exciting!